URSUS FINE Riesling List 2020 – Major Blind Tasting and Ranking
To raise both international and national awareness for German Riesling, URSUS Wineries GmbH, in cooperation with FINE Magazine, is initiating an exclusive blind tasting event with esteemed judges in the Rheingau from August 25 to 27, 2021. This event will feature only German dry Rieslings from the 2020 vintage, sourced from “Grand Cru” vineyards. The panel of judges consists of an internationally recognized expert jury. Following the event, the top 10 wines will be offered for sale in an exclusive limited collector's case by URSUS Wineries.

Criteria for Winemakers
All vintners were allowed to present a wine of their choice. The selected wine had to be a top-class dry Riesling produced in Germany and sourced from a recognized single vineyard within the 13 German wine regions. The production of the wine should amount to at least 1,000 bottles. Participation was open to all VDP vintners as well as those with comparable wine quality. The vintners agreed to reserve 50 bottles of the presented wine for URSUS Wineries at the selling price until the ranking was published. The wines that made it into the top ten in the ranking were subsequently purchased by URSUS Wineries at the selling price.
Criteria for Expert Jury Selection
The jurors made their evaluations based on the rating system provided by FINE. This included assessing both the current condition and the potential development of the wine. Additionally, each juror was allowed to select a favorite from among all the wines in addition to awarding points.
The Top Ten Wines of RIESLING FINE 2020
Muschelkalk Riesling – Weingut Friedrich Becker
Niederhäuser Hermannshöhle – Weingut Hermann Dönnhoff
Uffhofener La Roche - Weingut Espenhof
Schlossböckelheimer Felsenberg - Weingut Hermannsberg
Erbacher Hohenrain – Weingut Jakob Jung
Neu-Bamberger Heerkretz - Weingut Steitz
Berncasteler Doctor - Weingut Wwe. Dr. H. Thanisch
Forster Pechstein - Weingut Villa Wolf
Wehlener Sonnenuhr - Weingut Wegeler
Kiedricher Gräfenberg GG - Weingut Robert Weil